The What If’s of Life
The Questions
We Ask Today
I am usually looking for a photo that catches my eye and gives
me things to write , as well a scripture. Today a question comes
to mind and I would like you to really consider this question.
What if you were 101 years old and nearing the end of your life,
what have you learned, what advice would you offer? That is a
question that really had me in deep thought, or what about this
question for my young ladies. What if we all had the fancy
clothes and shoes that we see others have on? If every young
girl looked just alike no one would stand out, how would people
know who you are. I know who Jesus Christ is because he
stands out in through scripture and through people who serve
him. But there is so many who don’t know him because we are
not standing out for him. We look just like the world. If your going to stand for something or someone, stand for someone who
sacrificed their life for you. There are many other what if questions hat have to be answered but the only way to know is if you
seek the answer.
For those who don’t know Jesus I know there is a question you
wrestle with and that is, What if there is a heaven or hell? How
do I find the answers to the things I don’t know. All answers are
in your bible and getting involved at your church in the youth
group and more or you can message me and I can help and get
you connected to great people.
You will know the answers to your what if questions unless you