4/4 Pacific Music + Arts Volume 2:2 Oct 2017 | Page 35

The producers that I usually work with are people that I feel comfortable with and that I have found a very strong connection with . A producer named EDY who is based out in Central Auckland who has been making beats for a long time now has been working with me on my E . P for the last year and we are currently working on an album at the moment that will release next year .
What local artists inspire you ?
I really do look up to my family �irst , the likes of Lavina Williams , Emily Williams and JWilliams . Also to Aaradhna that has paved her way so beautifully , internationally also . I also am inspired by PMoney , Scribe , Vince Harder , SWIDT and Savage .
What motivates you to create music ?
What motivates me to create music is anything and everything . I love to see life in a different point of view that the normal eye does not recognize . I take every life experience of my own and put it down on paper and when I run out of ideas of my own personal stories , I try put myself in someone else ’ s shoes and try go from there and see where it takes me . You can be motivated by anything to make music , it takes risk and faith to believe in what you write as music .
Who do you make your music for ?
The music I make is for people that want to hear and feel something that they can easily be attached or connected too . It is for the weak , the strong , the shy , the mad , the sad , the happy and any human emotion that is needed to be healed or conquered to make the person feel good by just hearing one sound of a song or lyric . I want at least one of my songs to help someone get through the day or to put a smile on someone ’ s face .
How much do you listen or research other music ?
I research many artists local and internationally artists to see how much the music has changed and the revolution now to what it was in the past .
I am very in�luenced by many artists local and overseas . It all comes down to how you will take in their creativity and to form it as your own and create something that people will remember you for .
Can you share details about your creative process ?
The process of writing comes very natural to me as I can block and isolate anything and everything around me to make me only focus on that one thought and expand on it and play around with the melody , change it up if I have to . But it all comes from a very deep place within yourself that sometimes you never knew existed .
Usually music is already set for me to write to and I have always been comfortable with this strategy but however if I am given just a blank space to write or make a melody to I will do it !
I capture songs with the feel and vibes I get from that moment and the experience I am going through at that time .
What was the process to make your �irst single and how did you feel at the time of the release ?
The process of writing my �irst single ‘ Drawn To You ’ was such a natural �low with my producer EDY . He had already set the melody and lyrics beforehand so as soon as I jumped in the studio I smashed it and I also wrote the hook to it that meshed really well with the verses that EDY had written .
The recording took about 3 sessions with EDY to really get that �inal product . For the release of the single , we put the song through all social outlets and promoted it by word of mouth also .
At the time of the release it was great , the response was amazing and to know that people were playing my music and knowing the lyrics was such an amazing moment for me .
What is your recording process ?
My recording process is normally in a studio or even I ’ m not in the studio I use my phone to record ideas , melodies and lyrics .
The process of writing my E . P was that EDY would lay down a track for me and I ’ d either vibe with it or not vibe with it . So , the ones I did love , I wrote to it and ended laying down the tracks in the studio , probably took us 2 or 3 sessions to smash out each track on the E . P
Do you identify yourself as a Paci�ic artist and why ?
I identify myself as a Paci�ic Artist because I am very passionate about our Paci�ic Island Community and the important issues we face in our day to day life . Personally , what I love about our culture is the love we have for our families and the passion we carry to get through what we have to do in life . Also , the fashion in the Paci�ic Islands is beautiful , I want to carry that in my aesthetic so that I wear and represent my culture . vol 2 : 2 fourfour . co . nz

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