3rd Transnational Meeting Salamina Greece | Page 2

Meeting Talks 1- The IO activity was to be on Friday according to the programme but since some of the countries would have to leave early because of their specific reasons. The meeting date was changed to be hold on Thursday afternoon to introduce the e Democracy Dictionary. 2- We have checked the platform to be used for the e dictionary and decided the Greek team should go on working on Wordpress because e dictionary was being improved as proposed, all the functions were efficient enough to be used by the target audience when completed. 3- All partner countries should send or upload their entries before the end of 2016. The dictionary platform will be open to all partners before the stated time. The entries should be about two important figures in the history of the countries having positive and negative contributions to democracy. 4- Italy gave update about 7th mobility to Ravenna between 2nd - 8th October 2016. Project partner countries talked about the numbers of the students and teachers to be participated to the mobility. 5- The best way to get to Ravenna was said to be travelling via Bolognia Airport. Thena brief introduction was presented about the mobility to Ravenna. 6- The topic for students' activity in Italy is Anti Democratic Administrations in Our Country. Each country will present the topic using different media tools in their own ways. A photo related to conservation of nature and environment for the mosiac activity will be sent to Italy before the end of June. 7- The mobility dare for Germany was discussed and the date was defined to be 26th Feb - 4th March 2017. The meeting ended with the best wishes of the partners for the summer holiday.