* Digital Forensics Magazine
Digital Forensics Magazine is a quarterly features and news magazine from the world of digital forensics , it is the leading magazine with a global audience designed for those who are managing , practicing , researching or learning about Digital Forensics . The content is peer reviewed , journal quality research , laid out in an easy to read magazine format covering comprehensive technical features , product and book reviews , the latest news , what ’ s happening legally and in depth “ from the lab ” feature articles . With a global audience and a diverse range of authors including both researchers and practitioners , the content has both technical and nontechnical articles to suit a wide range of readers and interests . All Digital Investigation aspects are covered including e-Discovery and incident response . Our events page of the website lists events that we are notified about that might be of interest to our readers and our complete back catalogue is available online when you subscribe .
Digital Forensics Magazine has a number of Social Media outlets , LinkedIn Group , Twitter and Blog to supplement and support our readers .
We are always on the look out for new authors , bloggers , book and product reviewers , so if you would like to ‘ get involved ’, then ‘ get in touch ’.
Website : www . digitalforensicsmagazine . com
* Global Security Mag
Global Security Mag is a quarterly magazine & website in French & English targeting on IT Security . Global Security Magazine is a Logical & Physical IT Security Magazine circulated to 5,000 decision makers , typically CSO . We have daily online information in our websites -English & French- and in newsletters . We have organised the 5th edition of the conference Global Security Mag Theory to Practice : Data Center in the Hart of the city 14 November 2018 - Espace Saint-Martin 75003 Paris . https :// www . globalsecuritymag . fr / De-la-theorie-a-la-pratique / On the 2 April 2019 , we have organised the 10th annual GS DAYS , the francophone Security days a conference in French on Ethical Hacking . www . gsdays . fr Contacts : T : + 33 1 40920555 , Email : ipsimp @ free . fr or marc . jacob @ globalsecuritymag . com
Website : www . globalsecuritymag . com www . globalsecuritymag . fr
* Cyber Defense Magazine
Cyber Defense Magazine is by ethical , honest , passionate information security professionals for IT Security professionals . Our mission is to share cutting edge knowledge , real world stories and awards on the best ideas , products and services in the information technology industry .
Website : www . cyberdefensemagazine . com
* Energy Global New
“ energy global news ”, a privately owned energy news and advertising medium , aims to provide the oil and gas professional and non-professional public with regular updates related to the adventure of the quest for energy , this in a concise way that is easily accessible at a glance by anyone . “ energy global news ” supports and promotes the oil and gas industry world and its various actors , as well as all types of fossil and renewable energy .
Website : www . energyglobalnews . com