* Maritimes . gr
www . maritimes . gr is a portal for shipping professionals worldwide in both Greek and English . www . maritimes . gr has always met the ever growing demand for critical information and is considered a complete channel of information on shipping . It is also recognized for its exclusive interviews with highly respected professionals and decision-makers in the day to day operations and the future of Greek Shipping . An additional emphasis is given in web TV with selected programs as well as the general televised coverage and advertisement .
Website : www . maritimes . gr
* Ship2Shore
Ship2Shore is one of the most successful on-line magazine in the Mediterranean region and the leading news provider in Italy exploring the financial , economical , political and legal aspects of the transports industry . News are published daily on the website , grouped into macro-categories ( shipping & shipyards , ports & services , logistics & intermodal transport , energy & offshore , others ) to help readers finding easily and quickly what they need . A weekly pdf magazine , published on Monday and announced by a newsletter , offers a complete overview of the most important topics as well as in-depth analysis , interviews and further stories ; periodic Special Features complete the information offer . Thanks to accurate and high quality information that can be consulted directly on desktops and mobile devices , Ship2Shore is a useful working tool for being regularly updated as well as an effective means for web advertising . A 3-weeks trial time is available by signing up on www . ship2shore . it / english
Info : Mrs Sabrina Carozzino - T : + 39 010 2517945 - Email : sales @ ship2shore . it
* Actualidad Maritima y Portaria
From Daily Offer of jobs into the maritime , port and logistics sectors , News , Vessels , Companies , Ports , Customs , Events … Oferta diaria de empleos en los sectores marítimo-portuario y logístico , Noticias , Buques , Empresas , Puertos , Aduanas , Eventos …
Website : www . actualidadmp . com
* Gulf Oil and Gas
Gulf Oil and Gas ( GOG ) is the gateway to the oil and gas markets in the eastern hemisphere . Gulf Oil and Gas attracts thousands of professional regular visitors each day . With 50 % of our audience defining themselves as engineers and another 25 % in managerial roles , we deliver a captive audience of professionals responsible for specifying projects and making purchasing decisions . GOG 3D Projects service tracks information for 2000 + projects across the Middle East , Asia and Africa . GOG career center is dedicated to assisting organizations in building their engineering and technical resources .
Website : www . gulfoilandgas . com