O-7 , CDR ( Ret .) Eyal Pinko Competitive Intelligence and Cyber Consulting
Dr . Eyal Pinko ( Navy Commander , retired ) served in the Israeli navy for 23 years , among those 4 years in operational duties , 12 years in managing missiles development programs and 6 years in commanding intelligence branch . Eyal served for 5 more years as the head of division ( intelligence ) at the prime minister office ( Civilian rank equal to Rear Admiral ). Eyal holds the Israel ' s security award , prime minister ' s decoration of excellence , DDR & D decoration of excellence , and IDF commander in chief decoration of excellence . Since August 2017 , Eyal was a senior consultant for intelligence , cyber and security , at the Israeli National Cyber Directorate , Defense / HLS companies and other companies all over the world and in Israel . Eyal had been a keynote speaker in cyber , intelligence and strategy conferences in the US , Singapore , Greece , India , Italy , Croatia , Mexico , Germany , UK , Israel and more . Eyal is a senior researcher and wrote many articles at the IIMSR research center ( Bulgaria ), Europa research center ( Israel ), REAIS ( Greece ) and OSI research center ( Spain ). His Ph . D . from the Bar-Ilan university was in military and naval asymmetric strategy . He holds bachelor ’ s degree with honor in electronics engineering , and two master ’ s degrees with honor in political science and in organizational development . He is an expert in naval warfare .
" Maritime Cybersecurity : Attack vectors , threats and challenges "
The world of shipping and maritime transportation has experienced a major transformation in recent years , and in particular with the growth in connectivity , communication , digitization , automation and integration of information systems and logistics systems of the sea-ports , Vessels and the shipping companies and their customers . The technological transformation of the vessels , the shipping companies and the sea-ports is occurring simultaneously with major upward trends in the quantity of maritime cargo transportation and the increasing number of vessels and the size of them , as a result of globalization processes and the growth in global trade and the global economy , the increasing demand for energy , and the growth in economic activity in exclusive economic zones ( EEZ ) all over the world . The global economic changes , the increased importance of the ports and shipping to the economies of the world , the integration of technological advances , the multiplicity of seaport and ship systems and the connectivity between them are increasingly exposing ports and ships to cyber threats . Cyber attackers which are being operated and used by criminal organizations , terror organizations , activists or nation-states are searching for ways and methods to exploit technological advances and systems in order to carry out cyber-attacks on the sea-ports , on shipping companies and even on vessels . The goals of cyber-attacks might be financial profits , influence on public opinion , reputation damage , political gain or for military purposes , such as disrupt or shut down nation ' s critical assets as part of hybrid warfare strategy .