Capt . Kazem Agamy
Director Int ' l Forum for Maritime Transport , Arab Academy for Science , Technology & Maritime Transport ( AASTMT )
Kazem Said Mahmoud Agamy is :
Executive Surveyor for PHRS classification , Egypt ( Nov 2017 – till present ), Director of International Forum for Maritime Transportation - AASTMT ( Sept . 2016 – till present ), Marine Lecturer - AASTMT ( April 2010 – till Present ), Senior Master Mariner at Oldendorff Carriers ; Mastering Various vessels Panamax , and multipurpose , containers ( May 2002 – till Present )
" Maritime autonomous surface ship , Cybersecurity challenges "
The interlinking between various networking and censoring all over modern ships and computers ashore whether at shipping companies , ports , terminal , shipyard or makers makes ships prime targets and more vulnerable to piracy and terror acts via cyber-attacks . The more the ship becomes digitalized and computerized the more the attacks become prone and advanced . The impact and the scope of such attacks are variable from one case to the other . The understanding of cyberattacks is not so clear or definitive yet , so defenses are not yet fully preventable . The stealth ability and long attack duration as the case of Barcelona ports , of new cyberattacks increase the number of cyberthreats in general , including maritime cyber threats . However , training and monitoring will be the best wall against cyberattack , a company IT security policy and task training will be first step , preventing of unauthorized entry to MASS during maintenance . More strict precaution during installation and maintenance of new or existing equipment needed to be regulated via , allowing only mechanical maintenance physically onboard MASS via HMI , other software installation or update should be done by secure link with maker head office . Regulate and channel liability in case of cyber risk resulting from maintenance by maker or service body . Identify the type of liability ( limited or strict ) to encourage involved parties to regulate and govern the relation between various parties involved .