Mr Bruno Bender
Maritime CyberSecurity Coordinator , PM ' s - Secretariat General of the Sea ( SGMer )
Bruno BENDER joined the Navy as a Communication Officer in 1989 . Experienced in C4I he conducted the operational deployment of French and multinational systems on ships up to the size of an aircraft carrier . As system security officer on ships and naval air stations he was involved in the security of ICT systems and contributed to the development of the cybersecurity strategy for the French Navy . In 2018 he conducted for the French Government a study on cybersecurity for the maritime domain . Building from the experience of its long career as Navy officer first as communication and information system and C4I expert he became a specialist in the area of information warfare and cybersecurity . He participated actively to the development of a doctrine in these areas . Since 2016 Bruno BENDER acts as an independent adviser for The French DoD and other ministries , the EU commission and agencies ( FRONTEX , ENISA , EDA ) and as contractor for industrial defense companies and coordinates the public – private cybersecurity partnerships for the maritime domain in France .
" EU CyberSecurity coordination for the Maritime World "
The future maritime European cybersecurity coordination centre introduced by Bruno BENDER , presents specificities of a community that has already developed wide cross sectorial cooperation ’ s and activities in the past . Cross border existing initiatives and partnerships that need now to be developed , furthermore , under the scope cybersecurity have been existing in the maritime for years . The French project promulgates public private partnerships and cross sectorial coordination for maritime administrations within the Secretary General for the sea ( SG MER ). This entity coordinates the activity of eleven public administrations in areas as law enforcement , maritime security , environment in support of economic activities . The mission of the public private maritime organisational structure is to remove blockages as a transmission belt and to carry cooperation projects . Cybersecurity is one of the priorities that has been identified and validated by the government in support of the digital development of the maritime sector . A national study conducted in 2018 raised the need to adapt the maritime sector to the national cybersecurity strategy and to develop its internal coordination . Critical infrastructures and Essential Services are seen as priorities , but cybersecurity has also to address small and medium enterprises . Public private partnerships have been initiated for long times in the maritime sector , in the area of security ( naval cooperation , warning of navigation and shipping , harbour activities ) and see a future Maritime cybersecurity coordination center as a possibility to adapt existing developments to the needs expressed by a sector all over Europe facing a large digitalisation of its interconnected but specific services . The need for coordination and situational information sharing has been presented by France during the 1st Transport cybersecurity conference ( EMSA in January 2019 ). It constitutes a first step towards global EU cybersecurity information sharing and a future capacity to face cybersecurity threats and attacks in the maritime world with partners in the Mediterranean . A close cooperation between our stakeholders should present the guaranties of a cross sectorial public entity and the knowhow of cybersecurity leaders in France and in Cyprus of the maritime domain and proposes innovative and structured development capacities relying on recognized international industry leaders . A joint management team could potentially address numerous entities and maintain a high level of exchanges via our environments supporting common projects .