Mr Dimitris Drakoulis
R & D Director , Innov-Acts SecureGas Project , EU Horizon 2020
Dimitris K . Drakoulis , EE , PhD , is Director in the area of Business Development , at Telesto Technologies and Senior Partner with InnovActs in Cyprus .
InnovActs is a leading edge ICT consulting services company , active in the areas of enterprise software technologies , cloud computing , BigData and the Internet-of-Things .
D . Drakoulis has been leading the InnovActs team in the area of IoT solutions for Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Oil and Gas sector within the SecureGas project .
He has experience in the standardization domain , as the nominated chairman of the CEN / CENELEC Workshop Agreement that led to pre-standardization in the area of Widezone Surveillance Interoperability and as the representative of the consortium in the CEN / TC 234 .
" SecureGas contribution to the protection of the Natural Gas critical infrastructure cyber landscape "
This talk discusses risk management approaches in port information systems . Starting from the fact that ports have recently been the targets of various attacks , we propose to take a holistic view on the ports and their supply chains . Three main questions will be tackled : How can we effectively estimate risks in port supply chains ? How can we enhance the security and resilience of the ports ’ critical infrastructures ? Are there appropriate efficient and effective tools that provide risk and security management ? The responses to these questions are provided through use cases that have been evaluated in various European funded projects .