Mr Matteo Merialdo
Project Implementation Coordinator , ECHO Project , EU Horizon 2020
Matteo Merialdo works as R & D manager in the Security Business division at RHEA Group ( www . rheagroup . com ) and is responsible for the security product portfolio of the company , leading a large , multinational team of software engineers , architects and security experts . He has wide experience on cybersecurity product development , including cyber ranges , dynamic risk assessment and information sharing systems . As project manager , he led multiple wide research projects for the European Commission and the European Space Agency . Among other activities , he is currently technically lead for ECHO .
" Strengthening Proactive Cyber Defence in the EU through Efficient Multi-sector Collaboration "
Cybersecurity challenges have been identified by the European Commission for the upcoming years :
Retain and develop essential capacities to secure its digital economy , infrastructures , society , and democracy .
Better align cybersecurity research , competences and investments across different sectors .
Step up investment in technological advancements to make EU ' s digital single market more cybersecure and overcome fragmentation of research .
Support industries and equip them with latest technologies and skills to develop innovative security products and services and protect their vital assets against cyberattacks .
How EU is going to solve these challenges ?
The ECHO project , as a large funded EU H2020 initiative including 32 partners from most of EU countries , is going to answer by creating a large network of cyber research and competence centers . Among the activities of the network , the creation and development of multi-sector technology roadmaps involving early warning , sector-specific certification schemes and training curricula and federation of cyber-ranges .