3rd Eye Watch July Edition 3rd Eye Watch July Edition | Page 10
Spiritual Flavors
Spiritualist Intuitive Torrie C
1. Cut cucumber in small quarter slices
2. Cut stems off of fresh mint and chop mint leaves
into small pieces or you may leave whole.
3. Peel and slice lemon and lime into quarter slices.
4. Slice watermelon quarter in halves and cut
watermelon away from the rind and remove
seeds. Then cut watermelon into small bit size
5. Mix all ingredients into a small mixing bowl and
mix well.
6. Place filtered water into a pitcher and pour
ingredients into pitcher of water. I use a pitcher
with a filter tube in it to allow me to place content
in filter and merge with the water. This allows the
flavor to soak in without any floaters. This is
optional. Some are fine with pulp in their drinks.
7. Place water in the refrigerator for 30 min to an
hour to chill and for full integration with the
water, and you’re on your way to a healthy new
you. Live long and prosper!
Summertime is the right time to start a new you.
Keeping our system clear and free of toxins is one
way to start. Here is a shared recipe from my
kitchen to yours. Let’s make this summer worth
changing for!
1 Half Cucumber
1 Sprig of fresh Mint Leaves
1 Fresh Lemon
1 Fresh Lime
1 Quarter of Watermelon
1 Small mixing bowl
Large pitcher (With or without filter tube)