3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 34
10/7/14 ARTICLE
BY: Nana Baakan Agyiriwah
"I want to see if this couple will last or what can I do so
they can separate she did something evil against me and
the father of my kids to argue I trusted dearly but now I
don't i do not want any fakes to send me any quotes nor
people out of Los Angeles California 100% guaranteed
work pay pal only I don't no frauds and money
guaranteed back of it doesn't work and one time fee only
I don't want any extras I do Not have time to play
around at all!"
Beloveds, In the
astral realm the
options are
limitless. Many
things can be
brought to us by
our mere
thinking of them
and using our
imagination to
visualize them.
However, it is
always best to
seek for the
higher good of all who are concerned. Now those folks
who may be concerned may be irrelevant to you but if
we are not conscientious about our wishes, hopes,
dreams and desires, we may bring harm to innocent
people who have no ill intent toward you. In this case
we have someone who is clearly desperate to get their
loved one back into the family fold. This person wants
the father of her children to return at all costs.
How does a psychic arrange that? How does a psychic
arrange that and maintain credibility, that is maintain
their status as a sincere person of the highest integrity?
Easily, you may respond, as you too would like to have
a loved one back in your arms again. I cannot caution
you enough to stay away from spell casting and drawing
people back into your life who have left. If someone has
left you for whatever reason... getting someone else to
"change" their mind is a waste of energy at best and
futile at worse.
Ultimately, you step into the game of affecting and
changing someone else's free will. It may be perceived
by you that someone else changed their free will that is
why they are no longer with you. And while on the
surface this may be true, at some point in the cycle the
individual that left you, decided to leave you. They may
be appearing as though they have not made that choice,
but somewhere in their psyche they decided to leave, for
whatever reason and maybe in the tiniest second of
time. That tiny bit of time was all another person needed
to persuade them to leave you. It is a small wonder that
they did not already have that thought, and manifested
this individual to do it for them.
Thoughts are things. If you take on the task of seeking
someone to bring him back to you, that someone will
also be dealing with that very tiny window, when the
thought crosses his mind to return. If that person misses
that tiny window, it will not work, and if that person
does not miss that tiny window, you may get your man
back, but unless he really wants to, he won't stay.
Consequently, you will be on a vicious cycle of trying to
get this man back every time he leaves.
continued on page 37