3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 32

This means you will constantly appear in your own illusions as the victim until you realize that there is more to this universal life than “you.” We all have wounds, hurts and pains. We all have shared in a form of suffering and every soul has gone through the cycle of death and rebirth. Now, This is not something you have to agree with right away, but you certainly will experience it in some form or fashion. Steps to Building Stable Relationships “If you are at war with another person in mind, then you are a house divided against self. Mental health begins in the soul.” Dr. Paul Masters The illusion: Far too many of us spend time trying to beat the odds of our own ill-lived decisions. We work against ourselves by claims of a deeper evil lurking in the dark trying to trip us up. We go through many cycles of blame and claim to abuse The reality: The reality of our personal afflictions are, “we are not alone in our journey.” Every race, sex, and or ethnic group has some sort of story to tell from their own perspective. When we can take ourselves out of the personal line of fire when others convey their wounds, we can then start to build a relationship through understanding from a connected, unified perspective. What that exactly means is that you have to listen from the heart and halt reacting from your ego. To go deeper, when you are warring with another in your heart and mind, then the war is not with them, but with you. Instead of a big lash-out, try to connect with yourself-why you feel so strongly against this person in your heart and mind. Seek your answers in meditation and prayer. Even if your answer doesn't come right away, repeat your act of peace within. This is the first step in building any stable relationship. Until we meet again, Namaste..... and suffering, making our decisions even at more fault than what they really are. I know you’re probably wondering By Spiritualist Intuitive Torrie C how could I utter such remarks when I have not spent one day in your shoes? Truth is we all travel long roads from decades to lifetimes. I’m sure for the one that is reading this now has probably said on one occasion or another, that, “Life is what you make it.” If you have formed your lips to speak such truth, then you already can agree that your claim to pain and suffering is just that. It gives no validation that a consistent evil is out to get you. In fact, a lot of us spend so much time in blame and shame that we fail to look at our own dark side in order to grasp the light. The good news is that we will then become our own force of good and evil until we can manifest a perfect balance of our inner God or inner peace. 3.7.2014 Article