3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 23
perception of a few. So I sit back
in quietness hoping that I can
connect to you. See it is
imperative that we heal the
bigotry all the way through.
Forgiveness is real and so is guilt
too. Especially when we let guilt
become the manifested division in
us two. Hope you can understand
that! Never mind, I know you do.
Let not the frequency we hold in
guilt be the sound-waves in the air
that captures our soul like some
Feeling You!
Feeling distress with a whole lot
of stress but yet I keep feeling
tested. Feeling like I’m second
guessing myself when I know
who the best is. Not saying you
can’t be too. See, its the things
that I ignore in me that keeps me
from seeing namaste in you.
Feeling pushed to a wall, it’s
strange what feeling under
pressure can make you do. Thank
goodness I haven’t forgot my
affirmations, meditations and
rightful call to action that helps
“we” through. They say the inner
God is you, but when I try to
explain this, it seems to conjure
up some anger like flu. Why
wouldn’t someone accept the
realness that they’re next to?
Some so occupied with greatness
that competition appears in the
bad hoodoo. Learning to bridge
the gap in between the visions that
we drew, was never said to be
easy when I reflect you. So it
requires us to take a walk with our
inner God just to become one
knowing us two. The divided
energy, the divided thoughts have
produced a divided mind and
from a larger perspective of me, I
understand, a house divided
against self will never shine!
Stay connected through the heart
people & put the hate down!
By Intuitive Spiritualist Torrie C
Giving you serenity and peace
from within, is Meditative
Morsels by Tonya Parker. Find
your balancing light with this
earthly blend of celestial tones
over gently played African
drums. To listen, click the link
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