3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 18

THE COLOR OF SEVEN 7 The color yellow is associated with seven - a warning or intermediary. Yellow is the most visible color of the spectrum and can act as a secondary light source. Because of its high reflectivity, yellow / gold is associated illumination and is the primary color in a rainbow and the yellow gold color used by Vatican City and the ruling classes. It is the first wavelength of light processed by the human eye which is why its used for school buses and emergency signs and vehicles. There's so much more to the number seven than meets the eye , but we must stop here. Hope this has been useful. What else do you think of when you see 7? In Spirit and inSpired... upwards of course! By SodoTutu A few good sources for researching seven and his many consorts: http://numerology-thenumbersandtheirmeanings.blogspot.com/2011/05/number-7.html http://www.healingstars.com/articles/saturn-lord-of-karma/ and always ... Etymology.com Need Release and Protection On The Go? Smudge Scents is designed to give you the extra spiritual security you’ll need when your energy runs low! Combating overactive energies can be a task in today’s world. Sumdge Scents can take you on a journey to release thoughts of others and negative energy built up and reflected back to you. For testimonies on this popular growing product, click and order yours today! Smudge Scents www.spiritualsbytorriec.info Limited Supply!