3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 12
“Knowing who we are and how to fine-tune ourselves
is only half the battle. It’s knowing how to apply
commitment and initiate action that makes the
knowing worth while.”
Intuitive Spiritualist Torrie C
The ego’s nature to process and
direct its image and desires, is to
be a servant to all of its
expressions. Its core language in its
program is to control and direct.
Its makeup is to find balance
between the differing self and it’s
existence in the external world. To
do this the ego marginalizes data
and guards any data input that will
breach the security of either parts
of its program. These programs are
deeply coded in the systems makeup
(program). The process alone will
produce congestion, stress and
anxiety in its order of operation
any time external data poses an
assumed threat to its current
design, especially in the attempt to
delete any old or outdated program
files. When purposely attempting to
upgrade one’s perspective, your ego
will tend to ask a series of
questions and/or bring words to mind
that will need your clearance to
proceed in performing any task
associated with changing its
program. It appears that the ego is
more influenced by id, ensuring that
its desires are fulfilled and
there’s minimal chance of them being
changed. Although it is more than
willing to incorporate ways that
will allow this change to proceed
without breeching its core
intentions. However, because of this
tendency to be vulnerable, the
creator(God of Univer