3rd Eye Watch January 2015 (1 yr Anniversary Edition) | Page 10

The “ego” is the servant of three realities in its program, its desires (id), the external world and now the super-ego. as Freud would call it, is a mastermind behind making all of its crippling functions functional. It will drive us to be as it sees The super-ego, or itself by any should I say, the means necessary. perfectionist self It seeks to What The Ego Really Is The Ego is like a security system and imbedded into its system are programs(DNA)that are defense codes It tends to look that prevent through the lens external of comparison, malicious judgement and hardware from installing competition to hardware make a clear encryptions distinction between opposition unrecognizable by within self and the host without permission. the world. correct the self by consistently critiquing our behavior that doesn’t resemble its model of perfection. It tends to function in terms of right or wrong, good or bad, true or false. In short, the ego serves as a protector to its core programs. So it makes its core intentions unreadable to potential hackers. The super ego seeks to control by its complex egotistical ideas of itself and the world by its association. need for improvement in ones personal life. Therefore, to achieve that, we will have to know our own access codes to change their Now, let’s upgrade algorithm. ego program. To do this, we must give complete permission to our administrative self(you)to commence the re-write. In other words,there has to be a willingness or a