3rd Edition of Choice Option Magazine August 2014 | Page 28
Travel Delight
With Edirin Okumagba
Europe is the world most familiar travel destination due to a number of reasons that include art treasures, fashion, spectacular landscapes, passionate people and top-class cuisine, but a lot of tourists tend to visit the same location very time they go for vacation. Here
are Choice Option’s favorite pick for the best outstanding places to visit in Europe.
Basilica Vatican city Italy
Rome today is the government seat and capital city of Italy. Located
in the country’s central region of Lazio, Rome is a vast and complex
city that is both historic and modern at the same time. Best known
for housing ancient Roman structures and the Vatican City, Rome
has endured for more than 2,500 years as an important centre for
culture, power and religion.
Grand hotel TimeoTaomina, Italy
Grand Hotel, Minerva square
The five star luxury Grand Hotel de la Minerve is housed in a magnificent mansion
dating from the 1600's. Grand Hotel Timoe is opposite the Greek Theatre and
offers panoramic views of Mount Etna and the Sicilian Coast.
Aescher Hotel, Appenzell Switzerland
Appenzell Switzerland
Appenzeller: Aescher hotel, Switzerland is so high up on the mountains
that you have to climb or get a cable car to reach there. Located in the
eastern region of Switzerland, it is one of our favorite pick for this summer holiday. Although there are many other areas in Switzerland that
are incredibly beautiful, the Appenzeller Land continues to attract more
tourist than any other place in Switzerland.
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