Clarity ™
New Material Launch FAQs
3M ™ Clarity ™ Aligners
Q : Why is 3M releasing a new aligner material for 3M ™ Clarity ™ Aligners ?
A : Drawing from innovations in material science , 3M is enhancing our aligner material to optimize differing force levels , with key improvements made to 3M Clarity Aligners Force . Our new material will be extruded in two different thicknesses to better express mechanical forces expected from 3M ™ Clarity ™ Aligners Force and 3M ™ Clarity ™ Aligners Flex .
Q : Is the material for 3M ™ Clarity ™ Attachment Template changing ?
A : No , the materials employed to construct the attachment template will remain unchanged .
Q . Is this an expanded beta or pilot ? A . We will transition to the new material for all
3M™ Clarity™ Aligners cases .
Q : When is the new material available ?
A : Aligners will be manufactured in the new material between November and December of 2023 . Existing material will be completely phased out before the end of year .
Q : What happens if I approve an order before the new material is launched ?
A : Orders approved before the new material is introduced will be manufactured using our original 3M ™ Clarity ™ Aligners Flex + Force material .
Q : What happens if I approve an aligner refinement after the new material is launched ?
A : Any orders ( including refinements ) approved after the new material is introduced will be manufactured using our new aligner material .
Q : Will patients in treatment with existing materials that get refinements in the new material experience a difference ?
A : Patients in treatment with original material and receiving refinement aligners after the launch of the new material may notice a difference . The new aligner material is intended to deliver improved esthetics , better stain resistance , and a more comfortable fit .
Q : Will this material change impact case delivery time ?
A . No , the material change is not expected to impact case delivery time .
Q . Will this material change impact my price ? A . No , despite the enhancements to the material , we do not plan to increase price at launch . Your purchases may be subject to an earned discount program , which may impact what you pay . Please talk with your 3M sales representative for more details .
Q : What is different with Clarity Aligners Force ? A : Clarity Aligners Force has been significantly improved over our previous materials in the following key ways :
• Force Persistence : Clarity Aligners Force sustains and delivers significantly more force persistence over two weeks of wear time .
• Durability : Clarity Aligners Force is now twice as durable ( withstanding nearly 2x on / off cycles over our original material ).
Q : What is different with Clarity Aligners Flex ? A : Clarity Aligners Flex has is comparable to the original
Flex material with one slight improvement :
• Esthetics : Clarity Aligners Flex + Force are clearer and present less haze than Original Clarity Aligners Flex .
Q : What is the difference in force persistence between Clarity Aligners Flex and Clarity Aligners Force ?
A : Both Clarity Aligners Flex and Clarity Aligners Force deliver excellent initial force and have excellent force persistence . Clarity Aligners Force delivers 20 % higher initial force and 30 % higher force persistence on average compared to Clarity Aligners Flex .
Q : Are there things that remain unchanged with the new aligner material ?
A : Many attributes of the original material remain unchanged , including :
• Unformed Film Thickness : Clarity Aligners Flex + Force remain unchanged at 0.625mm and 0.75mm unformed film thickness , respectively .