3ft Left 03 (2015/07) | Page 14

The Blood Genealogy by Theo Kogod The summer air outside the castle was thick with the sweat of men gathered to watch their commander kill himself. In the center of the courtyard two men stood and faced one another. The first was Lord Soma, whose castle this was and whose family had been daimyo of these lands for centuries. Tall, lean, and straight-backed, he never moved without purpose, and so his very stillness seemed possessed of a divine presence. He wore his swords overtop his blue kimono, and though all present knew his distress, no emotion could be seen in the hard-lined features between his beard and his topknot. The second man was called Akio, and it was his day to die. One could count the years of his service in the wrinkles lining his face and the scars striping his lean arms, but he had lived well into his sixth decade and seen enough trials that dying could not diminish him. A master of calligraphy and the sword, he had strong arms and a gentle bearing befitting his rank. At his hip was belted a single sword, his wakizashi, which he would use in his final act of service. Akio was a man of unquestionable honor and had never met any obstacle he could not defeat with blade or brush. He trained the castle guards, and was both the weapons master and scroll keeper for the Soma Clan. But the old man had fallen in love, and the boy he loved had betrayed that trust. The boy was caught stealing secrets for Lord Soma’s enemies. The youth had been chastised, having first his hands cut off, then his feet, tongue, nose, penis, and last his head. He confessed before losing his tongue. Akio spoke his final parting to Lord Soma, and none who watched the two from the edge of the courtyard heard this last conversation that condensed all the words of a long friendship between daimyo and vassal into but a few final moments. Then the conversation was finished, and Akio knelt for the final time before his lord. His katana arced down, cleaving through the base of Akio’s neck and out the throat. The head flew across the courtyard, red droplets blossoming in the air behind it. It landed amid the watching crowd with a thump, and men screamed and whooped, even as Akio’s body bowed slowly toward the earth at Lord Soma’s feet. As blades slid from scabbards with ceremonial precision, a lone man from the crowd ignored the swords and instead watched Akio’s resolute face, and the old m