35 Legare Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401 | Page 12

Interior Features FIRST FLOOR, ITEMS PROTECTED Originally the front façade would have had two bays punctuated with nine-over-nine windows and it has been suggested that these windows are still present on site and are used in the brick dependency. ITEMS PROTECTED: FRONT ROOM Floors (if owner wants to uncover the original floorboards they would need to salvage the existing floorboards) Baseboards Crown Molding Mantel (fireplaces may be returned to wood burning) Windows and surrounds Plaster (as possible) DINING ROOM Floors (if owner wants to uncover the original floorboards they would need to salvage the existing floorboards) Baseboards Mantel (fireplaces may be returned to wood burning) Windows and surrounds Plaster (as possible) *Room configuration and location of door and window openings are also protected