337 2015-16 | Page 3

How do they make sure potential readers know about them? How can they find ways of funding their production that work harmoniously with their brand identity? And how can they best engage with the digital world? In 2015 this assignment was recognised for its innovation and openness to multiple literacies with the Sir Alistair Pilkington Award. You will see over the pages that follow a selection of some of the best, most interesting and inventive magazine concepts submitted this year, along with excerpts from the accompanying written work. One of the top-performing students, Hannah Brooke, has also written about the creative process, showing her progression towards the final magazine cover that she produced, which was awarded a high first class grade. Last year’s work was impressive, and the students taking COMM337 this year have maintained those high standards. You will also find, from page 30, examples of the work submitted for the second assignment. In the latter part of the semester, the module took magazines themselves as objects for analysis, and introduced students to techniques for analysing images and texts. We looked at the field of magazine research and some of the most prominent analyses, addressing gender and sexuality, race and representation. In seminars students worked in groups to start to pick apart articles and question the things we often take for granted. Why this word? What does that picture do? The class produced some extremely interesting analysis, on a whole range of topics, and it is a real pleasure to be able to highlight outstanding examples of this work here. Dr Georgina Turner Module leader ©Cover image retrieved from imgkid.com 3