33 Years @ CTSS Issue #1 | Page 8

MESSAGE by Principal

“ 33 years @ CTSS : Our Story . Our Time . Our Future ” is a collection of 33 inspiring stories from our stakeholders , mainly students and alumni . It encapsulates our school ’ s core values , ASPIRE – Adaptability , Self-Discipline , Integrity and REspect .
Each story is heart-warming in its own way and speaks of the struggles , tribulations , joys and triumphant moments that are very much a part of every Clementeen ’ s growth . I would like to express my gratitude to all who came forward to share your story and it is my wish to see this publication inspire generations of Clementeens to make a positive difference to the lives of others .
Our school would not have come so far without the active contribution and immense support of our dedicated stakeholders . Indeed , “ it takes a whole village to educate a child ”. I wish to thank all parents for partnering us , the School Advisory Committee , Parent Support Group , Alumni and our well-wishers for their strong support and immense contribution to our school .
To all Clementeens , this publication is created specially for you and your parents . Continue to aspire and grow in Character and Academia .
To all Staff , thank you for leading , caring and inspiring our students . Most of all , for coming on board our excellence journey to provide a compelling reason for every child to return to school the next day !
Celebrate the joy of teaching .
06 Message by Principal