JARED LIM Class 3B2 ( 2013 )
Jared was from the Normal Technical stream in Secondary One . This story chronicles his life after getting his Primary School Leaving Examination ( PSLE ) results .
I was a playful and mischievous student during my primary school days . I loved playing many games and failing all my tests and examinations did not matter to me . Life was “ carefree ” and “ enjoyable ”. I put these words in inverted commas because if I recall , life was not really carefree or enjoyable . I just had fun – but when my PSLE results was released , my results hung on me like a heavy burden as I failed all my papers and was put into the Normal Technical stream ( NT ). Life was not really carefree or enjoyable . This was my wake-up call .
Life in our NT class was quite hard . Some of us wanted to study and pay attention while others were more interested in getting attention and wasting the whole class ’ s time . It was almost impossible for me to study – but that horrid burden ( of being sad and unable to pass all my PSLE subjects ) kept haunting me . I knew that I could complete the questions – if only I actually studied . After much thought and deliberation , I planned my life and decided to work hard on my studies so that I would feel better about myself . With perseverance and hard work , I managed to struggle through my Secondary One and was promoted to the Normal Academic ( NA ) stream when I was in Secondary Two . There was no secret to my success . I had to pay full attention in class . I had to revise my work – every day when I got home , instead of just playing and enjoying life . I also asked many questions . My teachers did not run away from me – they helped me and answered all my questions .
Life in Secondary Two NA was also very difficult at first . I had to go through the whole cycle of perseverance and hard work . I had to catch up on what I missed and I had to work even harder than when I was in Secondary One .
My PSLE results really woke me up . I feel that every student can change their lives if they work for it and persevere . I firmly believe in one of our school values – PERSEVERANCE .
Our Story : School is where We Aspire and Grow 019