CHOO CHIA LYNN Class 4D1 ( 2013 )
Chia Lynn overcame her introverted self to become a leader in her Co-curricular Activity and Academic Programme .
I had to sing , cheer and be enthusiastic , in public . I had to interview and talk to strangers . I had to recite my writing , to the whole school . I had to do things which are out of my comfort zone , things which go against who I am - an introvert .
To some , speaking in front of a large crowd is not difficult . To me however , it is terrifying . How did I overcome this fear ?
I am actually thankful for the trials because I emerged victorious . For me , the driving forces are the passion I have for my commitments - my Co-curricular Activities and the Science Mentorship Programme . Being in Girl Guides and Digital Journalism helped me break out of my shell to start talking to people . I wanted so badly to show everyone that being quiet did not mean I could not take the lead or be heard .
I wanted to lead my juniors in Girl Guides , to teach and help them grow , but how could I ? I was too timid and practically voiceless , but I was determined to do it . That hunger drove me to persevere , to break out , and to be the leader that I am today .
My passion in writing also pushed me . I told myself : if I ever wanted to write good articles and stories , then I must gather the courage to speak to people . In journalism , stories always originate through speaking to others . If I did not talk to any sources , my writing would just be bland and biased .
When I was selected to be in the Science-in-Action Programme , I was extremely excited . I had the opportunity to carry out laboratory work and be a scientist , researching about the ways of the world . Little did I know that we had to present our research , not once , but a few times . Results and data in my research would not be ‘ real ’ if I did not present it to the world .
One of the biggest breakthroughs would be that day when I presented my poem to the school . I wrote the poem , Ode to Mother , as a tribute to all mothers , who never stop caring and loving their children . It was for the annual World Thinking Day of Girl Guides , and it gave me the platform to express my passion and love for writing .
It is fine to be an introvert , but I cannot keep mum and lock myself up forever . With perseverance , resilience , determination , passion and love , I will succeed .
Find your Voice , and let the world hear it .
016 Our Story : School is where We Aspire and Grow