33 Years @ CTSS Issue #1 | Page 10


Christine Liew is a member of the School Advisory Committee and she has two children who are enrolled in Clementi Town Secondary School ( CTSS ).
I am seated at an airport as this is written .
An airport opens itself to the world . It continues to transform itself to embrace changes to receive the world .
Changes are however , not easy to digest . It requires courage and most importantly , the ASPIRe values that CTSS holds firmly to .
ASPIRe : Adaptability , Self-discipline , Perseverance , Integrity , and REspect .
I have two of my three children who attended Clementi Town Secondary School as their Secondary education journey . I am glad that as they change from a child to a teenager , they have these ASPIRe values to spur them forward .
In the case of my elder child , she had been weak in Mathematics and Science subjects . She excels , however , in the field of Language and Humanities . Her journey with Maths in her Secondary education was marred with difficulty . Teachers in the past had written students like her off as someone with no interest in the subject .
When a special teacher entered the scene , however , CHANGES occurred . He believed in each child . For these weak students , he spurred them on with encouragement and believed in them . Over time , the students felt the warmth and care of the teacher , and they began to strive harder . Gradually , they wanted to do well , not for themselves , but for the love of this special teacher , who trusted and believed in them . This child eventually did well for her Mathematics .
In walking with her through this journey , I appreciate the difficult roles of the teachers . I am grateful to teachers who go beyond textbooks to bring forth the basic value of life , to trust and believe in each child , and to build them up . This is truly reflective of the ASPIRe values .
My youngest child is active in his Co-curricular Activity ( CCA ). This has allowed him to be exposed to a plethora of global experiences . He soon learned the importance of putting others before self . Through his CCA roles and responsibilities , they spurred him on to overcome physical and mental fatigue and to persevere in the midst of extreme difficulties .
As their mother , I am very thankful that they are part of CTSS and her journey of instilling the ASPIRe values in them .
08 Our Story : Home is where HOpe and MEmories thrive