30A Half Marathon + 5K Sponsorship Sponsorship packages 2020_Full | Page 4

D I G I TA L R AC E B AG S P E C S W H AT I S A D I G I TA L R AC E B AG All race participants who provide a legible email will receive a Digital Race Bag. This year we have created a ‘digital goody bag’ in an effort to go green and provide additional benefits to our participants. As a participant of this year’s race weekend runners will receive an invitation email to a Digital Goody Bag prior to the event giving them access to the bag. In the goody bag they will find an array of valuable information including exclusive offers, coupons and sponsor messages. Let’s Get Your Green On! Digital Runner Bag Offers are due no later than September 1, 2020. SPONSORS When your company becomes a Race Sponsor, you will have an opportunity to provide exclusive offers, coupons or a message to the runners. Specs Acceptable files • PUBLICATION TRIM SIZE: 8.5”W x 11”H • Press Ready PDF (preferred option) • SAFETY: 0.25” from trim on all packaged files formatted info must be inside this area) for the Mac platform may or higher Resolution for high • Email or Dropbox artwork to: info@30Ahalf.com • The following versions of sides (All text and important • IMAGE RESOLUTION: 98 dpi Submitting files be submitted: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. density screens. 8.5”w x 5.5” h Margin .25” 30AHALF.COM Margin .25”