• You can also receive daily messages sent to inspire you .
Achieving weight loss goals by yourself is a challenge . By using the digital 30- Day One Dress Size
Challenge , users will find added support by connecting to others who are going through the same situation and have the same struggles and goals as you . Having social support can help you get motivated as you have people to keep you in check . You will become more persistent as you see other people ’ s results , including yours . There is no need to keep trying different diets that do not work . They end up as short-term results and cause you to feel frustrated when you do not see results .
Click here to download ‘ The 30 Days One Dress Size Challenge ’ by Deborah Murtagh
How the Body Gains Weight
Once you eat , your body breaks down the food into carbohydrates that are converted into glucose . The body uses glucose as an energy fuel . The body releases a hormone called insulin to transport glucose into body cells . If you have too much glucose in your body , your body gradually develops insulin resistance and , glucose ends up being converted into fat that will be stored for future use .
Many people struggle with excess body weight because foods are full of carbohydrates , fats , and sugars . Over time , your body becomes used to storing fat and you find that your metabolism keeps getting lower and lower . You find your body producing more insulin as it tries to get your body back to its fatburning mode . However , all the effort is rendered useless as you keep eating foods that encourage your body to store fat .