2SCALE Thematic Papers Not By Technology and Money Alone | Page 37

15. The limits of functional capacity strengthening: Reflections on an unsuccessful agribusiness venture By Jodicaël Ahoueya, trainer-mentor, Benin Key themes: PO development, PO-firm relationship Maize-Benin PPP Summary The partnership is led by SOCIA, a company that processes maize into grits for the Brewery SOBEBRA; SOCIA seeks a reliable supply of traceable quality maize through organised POs. This story differs from the rest as it shows how success was not achieved despite a lot of partnership-building efforts between maize farmers, a processing company and Benin’s largest brewery. Still the story is interesting for drawing lessons for the future. A main conclusion is the importance of commitment of the lead firm to practising inclusive business and to involving local-level partners in decision- making to ensure their engagement, and processes that seek the best conditions for all partners. There are cases where the efforts of trainers and coaches do not succeed in improving the functioning of a partnership or in achieving tangible results. This was the case in the white maize partnership in Benin. Coming now to the end of three years on the project, we who were responsible for strengthening functional (or soft skills) capacity, will attempt to analyse in this account the reasons for our lack of suc- cess, to draw some lessons for the future. I would like to note however, that our reflections are based on incomplete information and therefore should only be considered as hy- potheses. 37 The basic facts The initial business model was to market white maize pro- duced by smallholder farmers in Benin through their com- munal organisations; and then to process this white maize into coarse maize meal grits for use by SOBEBRA, the country’s largest brewery. SOCIA , the intermediate proces- sing company, took the first initiative to ask for support from 2SCALE. The main challenge confronted by the company was to get an adequate supply of white maize that could be traced through a coding system, to satisfy the requirements of its client, the SOBEBRA brewery. The national federation