2SCALE Thematic Papers Gender Mainstreaming in Agribusiness Partnerships | Page 12

2SCALE Gender Capacity Building System
Gender training − Introduction to gender concepts and theories and 2SCALE Gender Toolkit ( Oct . 2013 )
2SCALE Teams West and East Africa April and June 2013
Gender one-on-one and group coaching , field visit , and online support − partnership facilitators , regional coordinator , cross-cutting specialists
Benin , May 2014
Mali , June 2014
Ghana , Dec . 2014
Nigeria , Dec . 2014
Gender advisory support to BSS trainers , field visit
Benin , May 2015
Mali , Sept . 2015
Ghana , Oct . 2015
Nigeria , Dec . 2015
Kenya , April 2016
Ethiopia , June 2016
Uganda , July 2016
Gender coaching by BSS to cluster actors
All countries , 2016
Figure 1 . Capacity Building in Cascade
All 2SCALE staff members , with no exception , were given incentives to be more systematic in their use of the tools and methodologies through the establishment of genderspecific goals incorporated into their yearly performance evaluations . To reinforce skills and capacities acquired , the gender coach provided online and demand-driven support under the supervision of 2SCALE ’ s regional coordinator . 2SCALE also contracted interns for each country to assist teams and BSSs in designing and conducting research action to better understand gender-based constraints and to address these constraints by designing and carrying out specific capacity-building activities for women .
Guided Research Action to Strengthen Teams With Gender Mainstreaming Skills
The 2SCALE gender coach used an action-research methodology to test tools ( described below ) with program staff and partners during field visits . Receiving practical guidance , making mistakes , and having to readjust the methodology to obtain relevant information helped teams gain confidence and “ demystify ” the tools . Making women ’ s presence and contributions more visible along the value chain and discussing the key challenges they face to access resources and services helped raise awareness among 2SCALE staff , BSS coaches , and the actors themselves . It allowed them to readjust their action plans with concrete and feasible actions to improve women ’ s participation in PPP activities and increase access to opportunities . Gender mainstreaming tools and methodologies were also introduced to and used by external consultants who carry out studies to assess needs and introduce new technologies or financial products . 2SCALE explicitly mentioned this obligation in the consultants ’ Scope of Work .
The gender coaching highlighted the fact that gender mainstreaming has to be undertaken by all 2SCALE staff and partners , at each level , with their roles in doing so clarified and their capacities built : partnership facilitators , cross-cutting technical specialists , trainers and agribusiness coaches , BSSs , and external consultants . This choice differs from usual gender mainstreaming strategies at the organizational level where gender focal points are appointed to be in charge of the whole process . Building capacities and fostering commitment and accountability of human resources takes more time and effort but is a guarantee of ownership , efficacy , and sustainability .
3.2 Gender Mainstreaming in 2SCALE Field Operations
To improve gender equality , 2SCALE teams and partners adopted a gender lens in every operation . This gender mainstreaming process includes the following .
Working With and Empowering Women in Selected ABCs
A deliberate effort was made to empower women and build their capacities in female-dominated or mixed ABCs . Women are predominant in particular ABCs , either because the product is traditionally a commodity produced by women ( e . g ., vegetables or milk ) or because the cluster is involved in certain nodes of the value chain , such as processing ( e . g ., soy-based milk and kebabs , parboiled rice , attieké ) and marketing . These activities usually require limited capital investment and are culturally more suitable for women . 2SCALE encouraged women ’ s inclusion in farmer organizations and multi-stakeholder platforms . 2SCALE also sought to work with female entrepreneurs / champions within ABCs and value chains and to promote female entrepreneurship and role models .