2nd Partial Magazine Nutrition and Your Circulatory and Respiratory Sy | Page 7


Whole-grain toast (2 slices); chunky or smooth peanut butter (2 T); glass of 1% reduced-fat milk (1 c.) or 2 slices reduced-fat cheddar cheese (1-1/2 oz); sliced fresh peaches (1 c.)


Turkey Roll-Up (Roll 3 oz thinly sliced lean turkey breast, 1 oz Havarti cheese with dill, 1 c. shredded spinach, and 2 thin slices avocado into a whole wheat tortilla spread with 2 tsp low-fat mayonnaise); sliced cucumbers (1 c.) with a splash of red-wine vinegar; tomato juice (6 oz); wedge of watermelon


Roasted garlic hummus (2 T) with carrot sticks and 1 piece whole-wheat pita bread (cut into triangles); grilled chicken breast, skin removed (6 oz); steamed broccoli (1 c.), drizzled with olive oil (1 tsp); and grated Parmesan cheese (1 tsp); baked apple with cinnamon

P.M. Snack
Green grapes (a handful)



2 scrambled eggs rolled up in a corn tortilla; fresh tomato salsa (1/2 c.); mixed fresh-fruit salad (1/2 c.)

Lentil soup (1 c.); terriyaki baked tofu (available in supermarkets) (2 slices); baby carrots (1 c.) or carrot sticks; fresh apricots (2)


Spiced Salmon: (Brush a 6-oz salmon fillet with chili garlic sauce and 1 tsp honey. Roast at 400° for 8 to10 minutes.) Steamed zucchini and halved grape tomatoes (1 c.) drizzled with garlic, olive oil (1 tsp), and chopped basil; whole-grain garlic couscous (1 c.) with olive oil (1 tsp); 1 tangerine

P.M. Snack
Salted mixed nuts (1/4 c.)



Strawberry-Almond Smoothie (Blend 1 c. low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/4 c. plain soy milk, and 1 c. frozen strawberries with 1 tsp honey and 1 T almonds); reduced-fat cheddar cheese cubes (1 oz); rye crackers, crispbread style (2)


Steamed peeled shrimp (4 oz); cocktail sauce (2 T); three-bean salad (1 c.); tropical fruit salad : mango, papaya, pineapple (1 c.)


Turkey meatloaf (6 oz); mashed winter squash (1/2 c.) with cinnamon and butter (1 tsp); cooked spinach (1 c.) drizzled with olive oil (1 tsp) and red-wine vinegar

P.M. Snack

Mixed citrus sections (1 c.)


Small blueberry bran muffin; unsweetened applesauce (1 c.); 1 %-fat cottage cheese (1 c.)


Spinach-mushroom salad with 1 tsp olive oil; grilled chicken breast (4 oz) with skin removed; whole-grain baguette (2 oz); tomato slices, lettuce; Dijon mustard (2 tsp); fresh cantaloupe and strawberries (1 c.)


Chardonnay, 5 oz; mixed greens with balsamic vinegar and a drizzle of olive oil (1 tsp); grilled swordfish (6 oz), baked or broiled; garlic mashed potatoes (1/2 c.) made with 1% milk and butter (1 tsp); roasted asparagus (1 c.) drizzled with olive oil (1 tsp) and lemon juice.

P.M. Snack

Sliced fresh mango (1 c.)


2-egg omelet or scrambled eggs; whole-grain English muffin; blackberry jam (1 T); seasonal fresh-fruit salad (1 c.)


Split-pea soup (3/4 c.); Ham (3 oz) and cheese (1 oz) sandwich on whole-wheat bread (2 slices) with Dijon mustard; red or green grapes (1 c.)


Pesto Pasta (Mix 1 T prepared fresh or bottled pesto with 1 c. cooked whole-grain penne, 1/3 c. cooked cannellini beans, and 2 T chopped roasted bell peppers); steamed zucchini (1 c.) with crushed red-pepper flakes and a drizzle of olive oil (1 tsp); sliced kiwi with fresh orange sections (1/2 c.)

P.M. Snack
1 T almond butter, 3 rounds melba toast

After analyzing the data we researched for and our work we can understand the importance of keeping a good metabolism and what we have to do to maintain our metabolism as healthy as possible. By working on this project we were able to comprehend how when we talk about making changes in our nutrition we must take in consideration many factors like the amount of calories we need, our gender, age, body mass, and the amount of exercise we have in our life. If you are planning on taking a diet or do any big changes in your nutrition we recommend discussing this we a certificated nutritionist or other authority in the matter. It is important to do so because too much calories could damage your metabolism and cause dangerous diseases like obesity, diabetes, or such illness. As well as consuming too little calories could lead to dangerous diseases as malnutrition and infections.