2nd magazine. | Page 14



José Antonio Primo de Rivera and Sáenz de Heredia was born in Madrid 1903 and he died in Alicante 1936. He was Miguel Primo de Rivera’s son, a spanish dictator. José Antonio decided to be in politic to defend the memory of his father, generally reviled in the years of the collapse of the dictatorship and the implementation of the Second Republic (1931).

José Antonio failed in the attempt of obtain a deputy seat in the 1931 elections, which he presented with the Unión Monárquica Nacional. But in 1933 he got his purpose being integrated into a conservative coalition. He used his seat and the democratic freedoms of the republican regime to launch a new party of purely fascist inspiration inspired by the models of Mussolini and Hitler.

After several failed attempts he created the Falange Española in 1933; the following year he merged it with another group of similar ideology, the Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista of Onésimo Redondo and Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, becoming FE (Falange Española) of the JONS. Combining the street agitation (often violent) of its young militants with political propaganda, the Falange started to gain notoriety in spanish public life.

José Antonio Primo de Rivera's picture.