© Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) & University of Nairobi (UoN)
As part of rethinking the African reality, there is need for African Universities to produce globally
competitive scholars and recognize the need to transform their programs delivery. Individually,
despite how well-endowed a university was or is; it does not have the capacity to produce quality
graduates. This calls for training of the next generation of researchers to become research leaders and
adjust the different levels of the training system to suit African needs. It is therefore clear that
universities’ transformation can only come from within.
Way forward
To create change in African Universities, there is need for change of mindsets, attitudes and hierarchies
in the instuitions. This calls for building of core research competencies including both soft
(negotiation, networking and fundraising skills) and hard skills (ability to analyze research data,
interpret and communicate). The standard of excellence should however, be on the level of
international standards for the scholars to fit in the global market and compete competitively.
The meeting resolved that there is also need for new innovative solutions to confront new challenges
that African Universities face. Transforming PhD courses is critical and this transformation should be
multi-dimensional; it must involve mentorship and intellectual stimulation. The transformation should
focus on having intellectuals that will stimulate the PhD students. Transformation also calls for support
such as funding, infrastructure, software, hardware and individual incentives.
With respect to the CARTA program, the meeting recommended that there is need for regular
communication and constant ongoing dialogue between member Universities and CARTA. Vice
Chancellors need to reflect on the differential initiative demonstrated by academics in taking up
opportunities globally. There has to be development of joint proposals and academia should also take
the initiative to develop joint proposals in research.
Universities must however, incentivize the individual academics to participate in activities like joint
publications and development of research collaboration. They should also find ways of ensuring that
CARTA achievements are shared with the entire university community.
Finally, the meeting resolved that African universities must frame a narrative that will create the
imperative for governments to realize that it is their role to fund research and development in the
African continent. Firstly, the narrative must be right to see inclusive development and addressing of
challenges such as unemployment and the economy must be grown in an inclusive way with high
quality skills by universities. The training should also be geared towards attainment of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).
African Governments must identify which development partners can be approached to support
research and development activities in Universities. Perhaps there is need to build on the capacity of
African institutions as well for effective management of research funds.
CARTA’s 2 nd Vice Chancellor’s Meeting –Report of meeting proceedings – July 10-11, 2017