2h1_Biology_Supplies (solution) Homework | 页面 4

9 Copy the Supplies Sort Query to create a new query
20 with the name ​Kits Query​ . Redesign the query so that the following fields display in the order given : Item Name , Category , Price Per Item , Quantity in Stock , and Vendor ID . Sort the records in ascending order only by the Item Name field . Set the criteria so that when you run the query only those records display that have ​kits as the Category . Do not display the Category field in the query results . Run the query ( six records display ). Close the query , saving the changes to the query .
10 Create a query in Query Design view based on the
Vendors table . Add the following fields to the design grid in the order given : Vendor ID , Vendor Name , and Phone . Sort the records in ascending order by the Vendor Name field . Set the criteria so that when you run the query only those records display that are missing a phone number . Run the query ( two records display ). Save the query as ​Missing Phone Query​ , and then close the query .