27th Convocation 2019 MAHE 27th Convocation 2019 | Page 18

100+ Specialized Centers DNA Repair and Genome Stability Ayurveda Biology Digital Learning Cardiovascular Pharmacology One Health Regulatory Science Health Demography Digital Health and Well-being Health Systems Manipal- Samvaad Centre for Indian Music Excellence in Education FAIMER - Leadership in IPE Competency based education 120 fully funded research projects and scholarships for PhD Outcome based Education Excellence In Education 1:10 Staff: Student 75:25 UG PG Mix +33 Open Electives 77% +10 45cr E-Pads for Exams Masters Program 10 Scholarships and Bursary Counseling Cell Exemplary Research and Innovation Centers of Excellence (Externally Funded) 1. MAHE- NTRO Centre for Excellence in Avionics and Navigation Research Advisory Council Meeting 2. Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence MRC 2019 • Successful SPARC Proposals: 2 3. Centre of Excellence in Bio-photonics • New Research Facilities: 2 4. DST- TIFAC Centre of Relevance and Excellence in Pharmacogenomics • MAHE-UNSW Research Seed Grant: 44 5. VGST Inborn Errors in Metabolism • Publications in Top 10% Journal Percentiles: 12.2% Research 267 PhD Entrollment Innovation 0.75 Field Weighted CI 37Cr 2323 Funding Received Research Publications 03 New Startups 12 Copyrights Filed 22 Patent Applications 02 Technology Transfers Expanding Reach and Internationalization Dr Ian Jacobs, VC, UNSW Dr Iain Martin, VC, Deakin Dr RJ Zimmer, VC, USF Dr RJ Zimmer, VC UChicago • Australia Awards Scholarship awarded: 1 • Erasmus+ CBHE Grants: 2 • Cotutelle PhD Enrolment with Deakin: 3 • DUO-India Fellowship Programme: 1 Internationalization 20.96% Internationally authored papers +29 New MoUs Top 500 (WUR) 18 5 Partners in the Top 50 The University has set up 103 unique centres, many of which are interdisciplinary. Some of the centers are in collaboration with industry, some are with university partners and some with research Institutes. These centres bring a fresh look to the university through their work. We are in the process of converting all our programs to Outcome Based Learning. The focus for the last year and for the next two will be on increasing our graduate and doctoral enrollments, gradually pulling down the undergraduate to postgraduate student ratio from the current level of 75:25 to 60:40. Faculty have demonstrated remarkable industry in applying for research grants from Indian and international funding agencies. The research output for the year is 25% higher than the previous year with a significant improvement in quality as well. We are aiming to enroll 1000 PhDs per year by 2022. International collaborations have been redefined in the current year by signing landmark partnership agreements with some of the top 100 Universities of the world. With equal allocation of resources from both partners, we are beginning to see some exciting outcomes already.