october 2014
24. Portugal’s The Capricious
Leiria, Portugal-based Alternative Rock band The Capricious present their album, Rise.
22. The Bixby Knolls
It’s dirty, it’s dangerous, and it’s ready for action. Does
this sound like the kind of music you might be into?
24. Impala’s Innerscape
Ac egestas augue, sed hendrerit risus. Nulla imper
est sed ullamcorper hendrerit augue,
26. John Rakei “Groove Curse”
One of the most important (and difficult) goals to
achieve is to develop a signature sound.
28. Float Fall’s Someday
Dream Pop can be an absolutely stunning genre if
executed precisel
29. Zombies and Beatles
33. Richie Loop
In the words of Richie Loop on his Facebook page, “I make fun and dance music!”
34. Phil Maggio
Letters From the Fire features five tracks, including a
cover and an acoustic cut.
Maggio reveals another perspective of his
confidence and sense of self-importance
on “Humboldt Fire” .
30. Lyricest Brings the Apocalypse
35. iamMANOLIS
MakeWay Studios does it again, and this one is special.
On first listen, iamMANOLIS’ Dayte is
nothing more than a technical prowess by
an undoubtedly very gifted artist.