24OurMusic Magazine November 2014 | Page 17

rather than take the center? What kind of energy would you say of mine made a difference in their life, then that moment be- you brought to the single? comes my proudest moment. I don’t think there’s a greater feeling. V- When I record music for my own projects, every aspect of it 24- Are there any artists, past or present that you think you’d like is me. I’m telling my story in my world. It’s free and without re- to collaborate with? serve. When I work with other artists on their projects, I still tell my story, I still bring myself to the table, but I need to be aware V- I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in any of Michael of the world I’m telling the story in. There’s something excit- Jackson’s recording sessions, to be able to watch him work and ing about that. If it isn’t apparent by now, I am obsessed with all witness history in the making (see what I did there? ha ha). You things Space. So, when I make my own music, I’m in my world and know who I’d love to just hang out with though? Justin Timber- my world happens to be spaceship travelling through the cos- lake, he just seems like such a cool guy. mos. When I work with other artists, I land my spaceship on their planets and suddenly need to take the gravitational pull of their 24- Sika, are there any plans to tour? What are some stops you’re worlds into account. That’s the energy I brought to the single, I excited for? brought my aura as seen from Sika’s world. S- Yes for sure, I had a great success with my previous one. We are 24- Your bio says that you had a rollercoaster of a ride to success. at this moment organizing everything to have an amazing show Through these trials and successes, what do you think is the sin- once again. Destinations are still a surprise though. gle-most important life lesson you learned? 24- Your bio states that “Sika embodies the bold attitude of toV- Don’t wait for the world to show you the way. When you’re lost morrow’s generation;” can you comment on this “generation of to- in your darkness, all you can do is choose a direction and start morrow” and how important you think it is that pop music contin- walking. Standing still will