247 Ink Magazine (Februaryr/March) 2019 Issue #25 | Page 36

where I was really strug- gling and I was strongly guided toward making an impactive change as a result. The meanings of the script are person- al to me and, I believe have energetically car- ried me out of a guttural hellscape dripping doubt and danger in every form and into a much brighter and happier reality. This tattoo is one from which I’ve gained the most understand- ing and love for myself and has put me in better touch with the world around me, it has reunited me with unassailable clarity and appreciation that I had never known before and has brought about a myriad of synchronici- ties, glittering connections between the previously mundane. I feel honoured to have reversed the old sick cycle of my life with this one and to now be guided towards existing in a more harmonious way, with rainbows and sugar plum fairies and dancing elves, endless joy, shit like that. That’s not to say that everything is bliss all the time, just to highlight that it’s aided me with a dramatic contrast in my perception of the world and all that’s possible. Let’s back up. What made you do so much of your body to be- gin with? I have a hungry heart for the things I love and have a tendency to be pretty belligerent about what I believe in. This can be a blessing or a curse. It’s a curse when I discover a new flavour of Halo top 32