247 Ink Magazine (December/January) 2016 Issue#12 | Página 141

C: I was a Boy Scout M: But I was definitely a tomboy though. I didn’t know how to curl my hair or pluck my eyebrows until I got to college C: You pluck your eyebrows? (Both Laugh) M: I live alone, still independent, I do my own storm windows.. C: (whispers) Crazy cat lady! M: I used to work on my car myself, had a couple of motorcycles, but now I’m really getting into the girly stuff. I hit this womanhood..I want a baby, I have baby fever.. C: Oh my God! Here we go M: I love pink. Things are changing. Life is all about experiences.. C: I had a lot of ways and views and anger growing up myself and I think as you get older every day changes I think. The older I get the more I think “Dude! What the fuck was I thinking” M: A lot of the tomboy stuff was because I was trying to prove something and now I’m more What do I feel? What do I like? S: Let’s get into Ink Master a little. Everyone says it’s stressful but 139