247 Ink Magazine (December/January) 2015-2016 Issue #6 | Page 67

(laughs) We were doing the Emperor of Palpatine as a judge. (deepens his voice) Saturation! Saturation! Roland Pacheco asked “Knowing what you know now, would you have done anything different on your final tattoo?” There’s a tricky thing on my last tattoo I had a nasty pneumonia type of disease the first two months working on it and never went to the doctor, because I never do, and I quit out two hours early one day and I had a canvas that was really difficult to place a piece on. A really muscular guy whose shoulders stuck out like tits and the spine just dips in there so usually I would just freehand it with a marker on them so everything just fits in there and fits where it’s supposed to go, but the setup they have is you have two weeks to draw it on paper. So I had to draw it and make sure parts were placed on parts of his back that wouldn’t move and warp so it did kind of have an effect on it, like her face is on the shoulder blade but at least it didn’t stretch her face out, but if he moves then her neck is 4 feet long, but at a resting position everything is fine but its just one of those weird debatable things that I probably would have come up with something else if I knew everyone else was doing chicks and skulls and snakes and shit but we didn’t know. We didn’t talk to each other before about what everybody else was doing. I think the guys all talk now about what they’re doing, which is good, it levels the playing field for a lot of people. Tell them you’re doing one thing and do another. Strategy is pretty important. I know and understand now how to use that. You have a daughter, how is that having to leave for two months and go to conventions on weekends? I started tattooing right around when I found out I was gonna have her so she knows convention weekends. She’s used to it now. She’s at the age where I can take her but she gets so bored and if I could have someone spend time with her like if I was in a relationship. I don’t want to bring my ex girlfriend, her mom, we all live together, we’re not together, we cohabitate, and take care of her and do the best job we can. We get along well, we have our rules like don’t bring anybody home, we don’t talk about relationship stuff. We keep it simple, and it works. If I had won the money I would have bought a duplex so she could have her place and I could have mine. 65