247 Ink Magazine (December/January) 2015-2016 Issue #6 | Page 63

since the show has been going out to France and Italy. They love it. They think you’re the best and I’m just some fuckin’ DUDE from West Virginia who came out to do some tattoos on a TV show. I was watching some of your first season last night and got to where Kyle went off on Ashley, Gotta love Kyle, and watching everyone’s faces..again.. was STILL hysterical. You were rolling your eyes, some looked stunned, I thought Sausage was gonna pass out, what was going through your brain? I felt like it was a huge wave of relief that somebody finally started yelling at this girl because it was actually like 3 days in the making and when you see it on TV it was 5 seconds. First challenge she was crying, she started like an hour late for her tattoo, she disappeared, she wasn’t even there for critique until the last minute and crying and complaining the whole time and the next challenge crying and when we went into critique she started to lose it, and up in the loft she was giving people shit and fighting with people and crying every day, crocodile tears, so when she started I was right in front of Kyle.. I saw you roll your eyes I was ALRIGHT!! (laughs) And he started tearing into her and you have to understand critique is like an hour a person so that’s 16 hours right there and it was the beginning of the day and she started in with her crap so she just added like 2 extra hours onto this already 16 hour day. People were mad at her, it wasn’t Kyle picking on this little girl. It was like please save us (laughs). There was something in her promo that was like “I like tattooing guys because guys are stupid and you can talk them into anything” Yea, she thought being a girl has some kind of sway over guys. Yea, total princess stuff doesn’t wash anymore.I just thought it was so funny because you saw it building ..when he started rolling his eyes and I could feel it behind me and I’m like..I thought it was gonna be a quick burst and then calm.. No it just escalated until he beat on the light box and told her to go get the fuck out (laughs) The judges didn’t even know what to do(laughs) I think that was the first person who offed themselves and just wanted to leave. There’s a lot of people who do and they bring it up during critique and you’re like what are you doing? They’re gonna murder you. There’s a 61