247 Ink Magazine (December/January) 2015-2016 Issue #6 | Page 176

Do you remember the first client you worked with when you established this program? P: I really like Richie. C: Richie’s an awesome story. He’s a kid who got involved with gangs at a young age and eventually had his own chapter of the Crips. He’s turned everything around and is doing great. We’re helping the outside of his body reflect the change that his heart and his head already have. Shawn is another awesome story. Shawn was one of our first here in Boston. He had “DAD” tattooed across his face. Long story short he was living on the streets and some traveling homeless guys came through while he was passed out and tattooed “DAD” on his face. It looked like a three year old spelled our “DAD”. He was having trouble getting work and housing. P: He couldn’t even get public housing just because of his appearance alone; not even because of his qualifications. C: We started removing it and you could see him change. The first time he came in he wouldn’t look any anybody. He was thin and emaciated. Towards the end you see there’s happiness; there’s a smile that comes. P: After it was off his face he was truly genuine. C: They sort of develop and the person inside can come out. They don’t have to hide anymore. I have another kid named Steven who came in with a cross on his face. His uncle set everything up for him. When he came in he wouldn’t even look at me. He wore his hat down low, over his face. As the process went along, with the cross being totally gone, he would actually come in and look at me. The hat came off and he would joke around. It’s just amazing to see the change. P: That’s why we started doing it more and more. People actually want to change and better themselves. A lot of people do grow up and change into new people. They’re not the same person they were several years ago. C: The impetus for everybody to be here is change, right? You’re changing jobs or you’ve changed your mind because you don’t like it anymore. You’ve changed boyfriends or husbands because it wasn’t going to work. It’s all about change. So it’s the same for the INK Program. The underlying component is change. You don’t want to change on the inside and have something on the outside look as though you haven’t. I think that underlying premise is also why you see the passion. How many people can help these people do what they’re doing? There’s not many and we get to. 174