247 Ink Magazine (August/September) 2017 Issue#16 | Page 260

“unique” bar. oh and we did ... we enter into what may have been a private club because most people in the bar seemed to be middle east- ern. Again everyone is crazy nice to us and we settled right in. All of sudden we and everyone else look into the back of the bar and watch in amazement as the pool table descends down into the floor. One of the members must be engineer because poof now it’s a dance floor and the pool table is completely gone.! Chris and I are sorta blown away by this. lol! We leave that bar and start walk- ing before we quickly spot a lit up heineken sign at the very end of an alley. Perfect.. an “alley bar” let’s check it out! We walk into a tiny, packed with booze, tables and board games bar which turns out to also be a private B&B. There is a husband and wife who are the owners pour- ing drinks at the cramped but cozy bar who immediately recognize Em- ily and Chris. Shots for everyone! After a few shots the 4 foot, Indone- sian wife we believe is started to hit on Chris because she keeps making sexual position poses while standing in front of him during photos. We 258