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This February , the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra ( BSO ) celebrates Black History Month , recognizing the invaluable contributions and enduring legacy of Black Americans in shaping our nation ’ s cultural , social , and artistic landscape . Throughout the month , as well as the entire season , we invite audiences from across Maryland and beyond to join us in honoring the past , uplifting the present , and inspiring the future .

Acknowledging the power of shared reflection , we are thrilled to shine a spotlight on the perspectives and insights of those who make our work meaningful . We ’ ve taken the opportunity to hear from members of the BSO family , as well as our valued partners across the region , as they share their thoughts on the significance of Black History Month and the ways that art can elucidate these important narratives .
Jonathon Heyward BSO Music Director
From the beginning of my tenure as Music Director of your Baltimore Symphony Orchestra , I have sought to explore the vast array of experiences and stories that symphonic music is capable of communicating . Black History Month affirms the importance of that year-round , life-long mission . I can ' t think of a better way to cap off February than when I am joined by the incredible soprano Julia Bullock to perform Jesse Montgomery ' s Five Freedom Songs , a profoundly beautiful work drawing from the rich legacy of African American spirituals .
You can hear Music Director Jonathon Heyward alongside soprano Julia Bullock Feb 27 – March 1 as part of the Mahler ’ s Fourth Symphony with Heyward program .
James Lee III BSO Composer in Residence
As a composer who , among other sources , draws inspiration from history , I believe that it is essential to include aspects of Black American history , which is an important part of American history . Black Americans have a rich contribution to the fabric of our nation , and telling our story musically enhances the overall repertory . Much of my inspiration is drawn from biblical imagery , foreign languages and relationships with other cultures . I believe that new music has a power to express what words by themselves may not always be able to communicate . New music sometimes employs a harmonic language and rhythmic construction that comments on contemporary life in a way that has the ability to reach the listener ' s inner soul .
You can hear James Lee ’ s Cello Concerto ( world premiere , BSO commission ) May 1 – 4 as part of the Brahms Symphony No . 1 with Heyward program , as well as his Concerto for Orchestra ( world premiere , BSO commission ) June 5 – 8 .
BSO subscribers , members , and passport holders can join our Composer in Residence in-person at A Conversation with James Lee III before the January 12 , February 13 , and March 23 concerts .
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