Kids are becom Rivals and want and schools rad
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The func�on ( f ) of Early Detec�on ( eD ) could be greater than (>>) the func�on ( f ) of ( Chemotherapy , Radia�on and Medica�on )”
Ci�zens For Radioac�ve Radon Reduc�on is a 501 ( c )( 3 ) non-profit organiza�on with a purpose to assist , encourage , and prepare advocates in making a difference with awareness , educa�on and ac�on against radioac�ve radon gas exposure . We hope to effec�vely educate the public and private sectors about the real danger of living , working , or a�ending school in environments with elevated levels of radon gas .
© Ci�zens for Radioac�ve Radon Reduc�on 2023 . All Rights Reserved . Reproduc�on in whole or in part without the express wri�en permission of the publisher is prohibited .
Designed by : ROIMarket Media LLC Genesis Crea�on Project , Inc .
Ci�zens for Radioac�ve Radon Reduc�on would like to thank all of our Superhero Sponsors and all who assisted and encouraged CR3 in this produc�on !
2024 English Edition


The CRCPD National Radon Poster Contest supported by the American Lung Association and the EPA , serves to raise awareness about the harmful effects of elevated levels of indoor radon gas and promote radon testing and mitigation . By participating in this activity , students learn about radon and how to reduce their risk of exposure .
Youth ages 9-14 participate . They enroll from public , private , territorial , tribal , Department of Defense ( DoD ), or home schools ; or qualify through a sponsoring club , such as art , computer , reading or science clubs , scouting organizations , or 4-H clubs .

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