24-197 BSO_Sept_Oct | Page 12

Back to School with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Maximilian Franz
The new academic year is underway , and BSO education programs are already scoring high marks for expansion and student growth .

Welcoming New Schools in Year 17

BSO ORCHKIDS has provided highquality music education and impactful opportunities to Baltimore students since 2008 . The program ’ s in-school and after-school models work together to provide a consistent , immersive musical pathway for students from prekindergarten all the way through 12th grade and beyond . The 2024-25 academic year welcomes two new schools to the OrchKids family : Henderson-Hopkins School and Dorothy I . Height Elementary School .
Students at these sites will receive musicianship programming during the school day and can later integrate into the after-school model , where they will begin their instrumental studies . In total , OrchKids is projected to serve well over 2,000 students through both the in-school and after-school program models at nine Baltimore City schools .
Above : OrchKids Teaching Artist , Alejandra Santillanes , in a private lesson with a student from Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School .
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