23-250 BSO_Mar_April_screen_final | Page 23

200 leitmotifs , melodic gestures that signify specific characters , objects , or concepts ; they help bind this sprawling masterpiece into a manageable entity .) A crescendo accompanies the brightening scene , and Wagner precisely notes the moment of the sunrise , which occupies two measures of surging triplet figures in contrary motion from the strings . Siegfried sets off on a journey along the Rhine into a nether-realm of evil characters who scheme to destroy the lovers ’ happiness . This is the interlude known as “ Siegfried ’ s Rhine Journey ,” in which we sense the hero ’ s eager optimism as he surges along the waves of wind instruments , finally disappearing into an ominous future .
Later in the opera , under the influence of an evil spell , Siegfried returns to Brünnhilde and wrests the ring from her . Feeling scorned and not realizing that he does not control his own actions , Brünnhilde plots with confederates to murder him , after which his body is borne away (“ Siegfried ’ s Death and Funeral March ”). We skip ahead again in the score . The accomplices in the murder have quarreled violently over the ring . In the end it goes to Brünnhilde , who realizes the horror of the situation she has helped fuel . She has a funeral pyre built for Siegfried , removes the ring from his finger , and rides her horse , Grane , into the towering blaze , carrying the ring . This is the famous scene “ Brünnhilde ’ s Immolation ” (“ Starke Scheite schichtet mir dort ”), in which flames leap to the same motif that had accompanied her sleep surrounded by the ring of fire . She sings with dignity , wisdom , and even ecstasy . As the scene unrolls , the Rhine overflows its banks and the ensuing flood drags everything underwater , including the golden ring whose fateful trajectory — itself a full-circle “ ring ” leading back to the Rhine Maidens — has proved to be such a curse . Valhalla is in shambles and the race of the gods with it . Their city burns in the distance as the gold is finally restored to its rightful owners . The final curtain falls on the gods , and Brünnhilde joins her beloved Siegfried in death .
Instrumentation Three flutes and piccolo , three oboes and English horn , three clarinets and bass clarinet , three bassoons , eight horns ( four doubling Wagner tubas ), three trumpets and bass trumpet , four trombones ( one doubling contrabass trombone ), contrabass tuba , timpani ( two players ), glockenspiel , triangle , cymbals , field drum , tam-tam , six harps , and strings , in addition to solo soprano singer ( in the role of Brünnhilde ).

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Highlights include :
Peabody Conductors ’ Orchestra
March 30
Peabody Symphony Orchestra
April 4
Peabody Conductors ’ Orchestra
April 30
Peabody Symphony Orchestra
May 4
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