Rene Menard ’ 88
Welcome to the 2023-2024 edition of the Thornton Academy Program of Studies . This program is the starting point to plan and personalize your Thornton Academy experience .
As you flip through these pages , you ’ ll discover that students have nearly limitless options to choose from among our expansive academic offerings to develop their passions and uncover their potential . Thornton Academy is a diverse school , and our students arrive with interests , talents , and abilities that span a broad continuum . Our mission is to provide opportunities for each student to learn , explore , and grow – to be true to who they are and discover who they want to become .
As you plan for the next school year , I hope you do so in a spirit of adventure and possibility . I encourage you to take advantage of the unique classes and programs that Thornton Academy offers . Challenge yourself , do your very best in your classes , and explore activities that inspire you . Your teachers and school counselors will do all they can to create an environment that supports you where you are and challenges you to grow and become the person you want to be .
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