Freshman English Foundations
1 Credit Prerequisite : Teacher recommendation
This course will concentrate on improving students ’ skills in reading and writing . Students will improve reading comprehension by engaging high-interest fiction and nonfiction materials . Students will work to improve writing by : a ) focusing on the composition of clear and complete sentences , and b ) building those into paragraphs . The skills , knowledge , and habits of mind that foster effective communication and an appreciation of literature will be stressed .
Freshman English Honors
1 Credit Prerequisite : Teacher recommendation
Students will be introduced to the critical analysis paper and to major genres of literature , with extensive reading and writing required . The curriculum features several novels , Shakespeare ’ s Romeo and Juliet , poetry , and nonfiction selections . Accelerated pacing and increased work expectations distinguish this course from the core level , and students should be motivated for active discussion and participation .
Tenth grade English is designed to help students understand literature in the context of its culture . All tenth grade English classes will complete a major unit on poetry . Themes discussed include assumptions about class and gender , and the tensions between an individual and society . Substantial emphasis will be placed on grammar ; writing instruction will extend the skills developed in freshman year to include exposure to a wide range of writing experiences , including literary analysis . Tenth grade classes will continue working toward mastery of the literary analysis essay , but will study and experience expository , persuasive , and creative writing . A research component will also be introduced . All sophomore English classes will read Lord of the Flies , complete a major poetry unit , and will receive direct grammar instruction through an online program .
Sophomore English
1 Credit
This core-level course is designed to introduce students to new ideas and perspectives using literature as a tool for understanding society and culture . Students will read Lord of the Flies and at least two other novels , as well as a variety of short stories , nonfiction pieces , and a play . There will be a major poetry unit . Skills such as analytical , expository , and creative writing will be stressed , with emphasis on writing a literary analysis essay .
Sophomore English Foundations
1 Credit Prerequisite : Teacher recommendation
Students in this course will concentrate on improving their comprehension skills by reading high-interest literature written from various cultural perspectives . Novels , including The Art of Racing in the Rain ; short fiction ; nonfiction ; and various poems will be used to explore other cultures . Students will be encouraged to consider the connection between literature and their own lives . Paragraph development , grammar , word usage , vocabulary , and real-world communication skills will be emphasized . This class is for students who are planning to go into the workforce immediately after high school .
Sophomore English Honors
1 Credit Prerequisite : Freshman English Honors , or teacher recommendation
In this rigorous world literature course , students will read texts that reflect various cultural perspectives , with an emphasis on exploring what it means to be human and worldviews . Required reading will include Ishmael and at least five additional novels , Shakespeare ’ s Much Ado About Nothing , nonfiction , and short stories . A poetry unit will introduce students to poetic terminology , various poetry forms , and writing poetry . Above average competency in writing and the analysis of literature are expected , with an emphasis on perfecting the traditional literary analysis essay .
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