224037ABA Almond Insights 23+24-2V (clone) | Page 6


The growth of the Australian almond industry stabilised during 2023-24 with an increase of 1,779 hectares being reported to the ABA through our annual planting surveys and grower consultation . It is the third year of below average plantings since 2014 . It is clear that the decade-long planting boom that has resulted in the industry more than doubling in size has levelled off as existing growers and potential investors take stock of increased costs of production and low returns .
Based on information received , total industry plantings have expanded to 64,192 hectares , up from 62,412 . Data has revealed that there has been some tree removals and consolidation in some areas following high rainfall events of late 2022 and early 2023 . Adverse conditions during pollination , a cool summer and a wet harvest were cited as the key reasons for the lower than expected crop , which was down 30 % on the industry ’ s pre-harvest estimate . Production is forecast to be 164,700 tonnes in 2024-25 .
The nation ’ s second year managing varroa mite incursion resulted in a more systematic approach to interstate movement of beehives . Orchards were fully stocked during pollination utilising various permit systems to move hives across borders and within States . The switch from attempting to eradicate varroa to accepting it was no longer viable and adopting a Transition to Management plan means all pollinating dependent industries as well as the beekeeping industry will be facing challenging times ahead .
Water availability within the major growing zones in Australia remains clouded with uncertainty after water buybacks were reinstated as a key recovery tool of the Murray Darling Basin . A reduced consumptive pool is likely to push prices of short term water purchases higher and apply further pressure to the costs of production for all irrigated crops that rely on lease water to cover their needs . How much and from what regions the water is recovered remains unclear and much is to play out in this sector over the next 12 months .
Global almond prices remained flat during 2022-23 despite lower than expected production in California . However , the longer term dynamics remain positive for the almond industry . Two global consumer megatrends : sustainability and health and wellness , provide opportunities for almonds . Re-educating consumers on the sustainable food production of almonds in a changing climate , along with highlighting the many health benefits of regular consumption of almonds remains a key focus for the industry .
Inshell ( KWE )


( tonnes ) up 6 % on previous year


( tonnes ) up 32.8 % on previous year